Starting a business can be tough.
Let us help you with the most challenging aspects of starting a business:

Why do we provide startup support?

We want to give you the special support we never had, but always wanted. Back when we started, we didn’t have any advisors, mentors, or examples to guide us. By sharing our experiences — and there are many — of failed and successful startup attempts, we want to help You to accelerate Your way to Your success.


Leverage any work already done

by taking a simple test version of Your software, hardware sketches, functions concepts — perhaps done quickly or with limited resources — and turning them into a solid, reliable and consistent solution. Your past efforts and experience are not wasted.

Easy Embedded Solutions


Create an MVP (Minimum Viable Product)

to prove that Your commercial and technical model will work. Once the market has been tested, we can move on to the next phase of complete feature development. A minimum viable product (MVP) is a product with just enough features to satisfy early customers and to provide feedback for future product development.

Easy Embedded Solutions


Provide finance solutions

for funding the development project, where external funding or own funding is not available. We will not let financing be an obstacle stopping You from turning Your ideas into real products or services.

Easy Embedded Solutions

Tell us about Your challenges

We’re always looking for opportunities to take up complex technical, interdisciplinary and innovative challenges. Tell us about Yours.